CEO Raymond, Ren Xuefeng

Graduated as the bachelor in finance in University of Alberta in Canada in 2012, Raymond has been participating business related to mobile entertainment and finance. In 2012, Raymond took part in acquisition of four listed companies in Hong Kong as the Director of Risk Management in Shenzhen Value Bed Capital. From 2013 to 2014, he joined Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd. as the head of Mobile Game Introduction Center, establishing investment department and the introduction framework of Tencent Mobile Game. He anticipated VAS operator of China Unicom during 2014-2016.

Yeekoo Media Group and Yeekoo interactive entertainment Co., Ltd. are established in 2016, and he works as the CEO and director of the companies.


CBO Cai Zongtai

Starting from 2004, having taken part in VAS operator of China Mobile, China Unicom, China Telecom operators for 13 years. During the period, Cai created domestic network and traffic alliance market and WAS monetization business, cooperating with a number of domestic operators, channels and product developers in depth.

Since 2006, Cai has been the channel director of Shanghai Vsoyou Technology Co., Ltd., responsible for global product introduction and channel promotion and M/A activities of the company.

Upon establishing Yeekoo in 2016 with Raymond and Ivan, he has been making use of years of accumulated resources for the company to develop business and extend product channels.


Product Director Ivan, Liu Zechao

Ivan was graduated from Jinan University as a bachelor BA. After graduation he attended Tianji Media Group as a program director. From 2012 to 2014, he joined Changyu Tianxia and act as COO, responsible for a variety of successful online games operation. After Changyu Tianxia was acquired, he incorporated Shenzhen Zhimeng Technology Co., Ltd. and act as COO. After a successful management of the company, he put the company listed in 2016.

Ivan launched Yeekoo and is responsible for product management, providing the company with a variety of game products.


Head Of User Acquisition Charles, Zhang Chaoxi

Zhang was graduated from Chinese University of Hong Kong, bachelor of Science in 2012. He founded Keeper Family Office as CEO, after which he joined Yeekoo and act as the head of user acquisition at the end of 2016.


Head of Single Player Game Publication Steven, Wang Wei

Steven was graduated from Changsha University as bachelor of software engineer in 2014. From 2014 to 2016, he worked in the tour, participated in a number of successful mobile game development, product flow are more than 10 million.